Latest Episodes

Guilty Pleasures 2 - Electric Boogaloo - Pt 2
Our epic dive into regrettable wonders culminates in a season-ending extravaganza featuring outlaw ettiquette, sketchy video games and...SHIBUMI.

Guilty Pleasures 2 - Electric Boogaloo - Pt 1
We're back for another epic exploration of the so-bad-they're-good movies, TV and music that we're ashamed to love. Tune in next week to see...

The Venture Bros
Join us as we talk about our favorite moments from the show that murdered Race Bannon and got away with it.

The Umbrella Academy
Sometimes, family is the bunch of totally screwed up superhumans that you're stuck with.

Banned Books
Some books are so awesome, that meddlesome grouches decide that nobody should be able to read them.

Our favorite moments from our favorite cops & robbers movie of the 90s...HEAT.